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Pace on Pace (19 November 1998)
Where are the new contracts? (15 November 1998)
Welcome to PCW readers (4 November 1998)
Code substitution (2 November 1998)
OFTEL investigate (25 October 1998)
At last, a general refund? (16 October 1998)
New television packages mess (14 October 1998)
Until the next time ... (5 October 1998)
Hold the hue and cry for now! (25 September 1998)
After 16 months, the letter is written (24 September 1998)
Black Wednesday (20 September 1998)
Cable and Wireless Internet Lite (17 September 1998)
The supertanker turns round? (6 September 1998)
An 'interesting cockroach' (25 August 1998)
Whatever next - a two-headed tariff? (13 August 1998)
CWC tariff information removed from here (12 August 1998)
OFTEL are investigating (9 August 1998)
Check your bills ... once again (4 August 1998)
Sudden, spectacular U-turn (31 July 1998)
Blair sues Telewest (27 July 1998)
A question in the House (25 July 1998)
The next Direct Debit problem - resolved (20 July 1998)
The next Direct Debit problem (15 July 1998)
Network Week lets fly (12 July 1998)
New switches and modem problems (11 July 1998)
A third formal ASA judgement against CWC (8 July 1998)
Informal judgements (6 July 1998)
'Full of lies' (4 July 1998)
Replication (29 June 1998)
Mail on Sunday article (22 June 1998)
So how were 'true' CWC customers charged? (21 June 1998)
Keep checking those bills! (16 June 1998)
Two complaints against CWC upheld by ASA (10 June 1998)
Another Direct Debit problem (6 June 1998)
The marketeers join the assault (5 June 1998)
Move to new billing system (31 May 1998)
An extraordinary admission (28 May 1998)
500 pledges! (27 May 1998)
May Day charged correctly (17 May 1998)
Wrong bills - what to do (3 May 1998)
Wrong Direct Debits (28 April 1998)
Wrong bills (22 April 1998)
Meeting in Winchester (17 April 1998)
A compendium of horrors (14 April 1998)
Removal of Videoway (6 April 1998)
Festival of 'Free' Calls (2 April 1998)
Stonewall Defence: an interesting email (31 March 1998)
CWC resort to the Stonewall Defence (27 March 1998)
Combined Service Discount removal is legally dubious (20 March 1998)
Two snippets (15 March 1998)
Practical Internet article (14 March 1998)
An odd request from the Advertising Standards Authority (9 March 1998)
Which? feature published (5 March 1998)
Internet Magazine 'free' calls campaign (2 March 1998)
CWC retract part of their statement (28 February 1998)
CWC make a statement (26 February 1998)
The Thunderer lives up to its nickname (25 February 1998)
CWC try to take the statement back! (22 February 1998)
It's in black and white (18 February 1998)
Free local calls to stay - confirmed (15 February 1998)
Keep right on till the end of the road (8 February 1998)
They told The Times they'd stay (5 February 1998)
Free local calls to go part II (1 February 1998)
Getting to know you, Ireland ... ? (25 January 1998)
Enter left, a Trojan horse (22 January 1998)
A questionnaire asking the right questions (20 January 1998)
Cool Britannia - but are we civilised? (17 January 1998)
Desperate people, desperate measures (11 January 1998)
Number portability (7 January 1998)
Calling all pledge signers (5 January 1998)
CWC open up (23 December 1997)
Free local calls to go (12 November 1997)
Text by Alastair Scott

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