Cable and Wireless

This site campaigns for a better deal for customers of Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC), especially ex-Videotron customers who are threatened with the loss of unmetered local off-peak cable-cable calls offered by Videotron as a permanent service.

Pace on Pace (19 November 1998)

The 'Pace box' can be connected to a PC - the manufacturers say so themselves! See here for more.

Earlier news
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Why this site?

The big issues
What when?
The unanswered question
A question of timing
Friendly fire
The Wooden Spoon
What do the ASA rulings mean?
CWC's advertising spend
Billing problems ... in their own words
A promise is a promise is a promise ...
About turn!
They can't even make a public statement
Chris Ward's statement
The legal position - very important
Changing services and keeping the calls
How much do people spend every month?
Small businesses and teleworkers
Smashing arguments used in previous cases
What the regulators say

Views and articles
On the latest panic
A tentative metering survey
Network 2000
Cable and Wireless Watch was 1
You need to change now, CWC!
An open letter to CWC
Letters to and fro
A housebound contributor speaks up
Not 'Getting to know you'
It's good to talk down to you (1) (2)
Historical Videotron tariffs
Watching the Watch

Direct action
Sign the Cancellation Pledge
Spending Survey results
Complete the Small Business Survey
Subscribe to or unsubscribe from the mailing list
Mailing list archive
Link to this site
Festival of 'Free' Calls report

Cable modems
CWC Cable Modem FAQ
In context
A European precedent
Complete the Cable Modem Survey
Survey results
Last words on the Manchester trial
The Cable and Wireless Platter
The old set-top box's basic problem

What you can do
Contact BBC Watchdog
Contact the Consumer's Association
Contact the CWC Chief Executive or Chairman
If you feel really strongly about all this ...
Download the old site (25KB)
Download the Videotron contract (15KB)
Compare the Videotron and CWC tariffs
Check out external links
Add to the Chronicle
Do you have unused Web space?
Join a 'Videotron ISP'
Find out Videotron exchange codes
Give your thoughts on all this

What not to do
Don't just sit there ...
'They'll get you for this, Alastair'
Look at Alastair's photograph!

What do the 'gobblers' mean? existing page updated page new page

This site is maintained by Alastair Scott and was last updated on 6 December 1998.
Site design by Runic Design.

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