How to link to this site

First of all, download a 50x50 pixel gobbler - either animated (15KB) or static (5KB). Then use it by adding the following HTML to your page:

<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="cwwchomp.gif" WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 BORDER=0 ALT="Cable and Wireless Watch"></A>

(animated) or:

<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="cwwlink.gif" WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 BORDER=0 ALT="Cable and Wireless Watch"></A>


There are other ways of linking to the Watch:
  • A banner, 25KB, 500x50 pixels, designed by Jason Finch;
  • A graphic, 10KB, 250x135 pixels, designed by Tom Grady;
  • A button, 3KB, 88x38 pixels, designed by Alastair Scott;
  • A button, 3KB, 88x38 pixels, designed by Martin Eager.
Please put any or all of these up wherever you can!
Text by Alastair Scott

Cable and Wireless Watch main page