CWC's advertising spend

There's been a lot of CWC advertising - from pantomime horses to billboards, the occasional direct mailing, 'yellow perils', inserts in bills and - the latest - leaflets tucked inside newspapers, which end up littering the floor of Tube trains ...

It's obvious this has cost quite a lot over the past couple of years. But how much? Contacts inside the advertising industry have come up with the following figures, which are highly provisional: this is because information is scattered throughout a large number of trade publications and other sources.


Total £25m (including £11m on Mercury)
Press 35%
Cinema 0%
Radio 4%
Posters 11%
TV 50%


Total £20m
Press 46%
Cinema 0%
Radio 1%
Posters 14%
TV 39%

1998 (Q1)

Total £5m
Press 49%
Cinema 0%
Radio 1%
Posters 34%
TV 16%

Apparently the poster spend in 1998 equates to over three thousand posters in three months! Note, too, that direct mail is not included.
Text by Alastair Scott

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