A housebound contributor speaks up
I thought about putting this contribution on the Your thoughts? page. But it is so important, and so eloquently written, it demands a page to itself. It needs no comment.

I'd just like to add a little weight to your campaign by proving your point about the Net being a lifeline to housebound users rather than 'you're just saying that.'

I've had CFS ('ME') and agoraphobia for several years with no sign of recovery in the near future. I've gradually all but lost touch with the friends I made in the 'real world' before I became ill, but replaced them with countless friends on the Internet. Chatting to these people really does improve my quality of life.

Obviously I'm on a very low income, so if CWC remove free calls, although I may be able to keep up an Internet connection, my use will have to be greatly restricted with almost no browsing or IRC. I would give up my CWC line (I've signed the pledge) because I use it for hardly anything else and I could use my father's BT (business) line instead.

I do realise that unlimited off-peak free calls to certain numbers for £7.10 a month has been an incredible bargain, but would strongly support your proposal of a fixed charge of £15-£20 for unlimited use of one number. In fact I even suggested something similar to them myself on a customer survey form!
Text by Tony Houghton

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