The Chronicle

The availability of unmetered local calls was not the only issue affecting ex-Videotron customers; there are a host of other unresolved issues, and this page summarises each known issue and the progress made toward resolving it.

If you can add to or correct the table please contact me.

Problem Progress
Ex-Videotron customers incorrectly billed at weekday rates for Good Friday and Easter Monday Resolved up to a point - people who complain are being compensated piecemeal, although it is still not known whether or not those who do not complain will be compensated
Advertising and marketing material fails to mention that ex-Videotronners would lose unmetered local calls if they move to CWC tariffs Resolved - complaint investigated by the ASA and a ruling made; both complaints upheld
Advertising material fails to mention that 50p flat rate national calls on Saturdays are not available to ex-Videotronners In hand - complaint being investigated by the ASA
Advertising material states that '1998 is the year of the cheaper phone call' which will be untrue if unmetered local calls are removed Resolved - complaint investigated by the ASA and a ruling made; complaint upheld
Increase in monthly line rental Resolved - this has taken place over two months (February and March) and is probably legally justifiable
Removal of Combined Services Discount (£3.70 per month) for ex-Videotronners with phone and TV Resolved - the removal has been made over two months, and those affected should challenge the removal
Removal of Direct Debit Discount (£1 per month) for ex-Videotronners with phone and TV Resolved - there is no removal, although the confusion over removals was such that many people thought it was being removed
Undefined call costs between Videotron and former (Videotron now CWC) or (new CWC) numbers Resolved - calls between existing Videotron and either (former Videotron now CWC) or (new CWC) numbers in Videotron areas are unmetered off-peak
Change of basis of charge for 1571 voice mail Resolved - there is no charge for 1571
Different charges for 0345, 0645, 0845 numbers Resolved - these are now all classified in the 7 February 1998 CWC tariff as 'local type' and have the same charge (0.85p per minute off-peak, rather than the 0.75p per minute for a true local call)
Arbitrary 67% increase in minimum call cost No issue - confusion was because CWC minimum call charge is 5p on weekdays and 3.5p at weekends
Difficulty of obtaining full printed tariff information Resolved - OFTEL have directed CWC to 'make available appropriate parts of their price list to 'any person who may request such a copy''
Removal of subscribers from Videotron contracts without their consent Resolved - CWC are now advising ex-Videotronners to remain on the Videotron contract where it is of benefit to them to do so, and are compensating or have compensated those who were removed: the Which? article has uncovered five people who are now suing CWC over this
Removal of Videoway (Videotron set-top box) Resolved - there is only an obligation on CWC to provide a cable television service: how that service is transmitted is not contractually defined
Unannounced amalgamation of French and German television channels Resolved - there is only an obligation on CWC to provide a cable television service: what that service is is not contractually defined
Unannounced removal of Italian television channels and NBC Resolved - there is only an obligation on CWC to provide a cable television service: what that service is is not contractually defined
Text by Alastair Scott

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