The Wooden Spoon

A quote from Network News, 29 April 1998 (to whom my thanks for letting me reproduce it):

Cable and Wireless Communications' newly appointed managing director for corporate networks, Lance Spencer, has openly criticised the company's customer service strategy for small to medium-sized businesses.

'We annoy our customers by not doing things when we say we will', claimed Spencer.

The criticism follows the findings of last year's report by the Telecommunications Managers' Association, which voted CWC the worst UK terrestrial operator for quality of service. Spencer stated that customer service is a key area where CWC is seeking to improve as it repositions itself as an integrated communications company, rather than a public telecommunications operator. This will be helped by a £50m investment in hiring more call centre employees.

The day after the article was published one of the 'Videotron ISPs' had maintenance to their CWC lines cancelled and rescheduled twice; the engineers, at the third time of asking, started late and left without the problems being solved.

In addition it would seem that 'small to medium-sized businesses' could be replaced by 'residential customers' without any loss of accuracy ....
Text by Alastair Scott

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