Contact BBC Watchdog
The BBC Watchdog programme has taken up the case: although they're not working directly on the Videotron issue at the moment, they're monitoring the situation closely and are frequent visitors to the site.

However, there's no harm in keeping in touch with them anyway to let them know the strength of feeling on the whole Videotron issue, and it is certainly worth telling them if you have had a wrong bill.

Watchdog have their own Web site, with feedback form, at

Contact The Consumer's Association
The Consumer's Association has published an excellent feature on Cable and Wireless Watch in the March 1998 edition of their magazine, Which?

In April 1997 they asked me to get in touch if CWC tried anything:

Videotron gave us a 100% assurance that EXISTING Videotron customers would continue to have free internet access if their ISP had a Videotron line. They stated that the tariff change to only 100 free minutes per month would only affect new customers.

If it is the case that Videotron are not offering unmetered calls to customers who had signed up before the change in tariff then this is something we would definitely look into.

Although the feature has been published they want anyone who gets new information to pass it on to them: in particular, they are interested in the recent misbilling, and will be following up the March feature.

The Consumer's Association can be emailed at

Contact the CWC Chief Executive or Chairman
If you want to complain directly to CWC, you might as well go straight to the top; asking a customer service representative won't get you anywhere. 'The top' is Graham Wallace, and he can be contacted at:

Graham M Wallace
Chief Executive
Cable and Wireless Communications
Caxton Way
Watford Business Park

Mr Wallace's boss is the Chairman, Dick Brown:

R H Brown
Cable and Wireless Communications
Caxton Way
Watford Business Park

Other contacts
If you want to try the machine-gun approach European Consumer Information is a good place to look. You can also find contact details for your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau here.
Text by Alastair Scott and Martin Eager

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