External links
There are a number of relevant external sites but, no doubt to the relief of CWC, only one other CWC-related campaign. CWC appear to register Internet domain names as though they were going out of fashion, and a trawl through these has turned up several useful information and 'concept' sites.

Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications - the campaign spawned by Cable and Wireless Watch.

Cable Community - another site campaigning against CWC but with different emphasis.

Roy Hanney - CWC sued.

British Telecom Consumer Opinion - against BT this time, and a strange story.

UK Business Park (Computers and Electronics) - what CWC are up to in the wider world.

Hemmington Scott - all the company information about CWC you could possibly need.

Interactive Investor - CWC share price trends (press Cancel and register).

UK Telephone Tariff Comparison - up-to-date and invaluable.

Cable and Wireless Products and Services - CWC's own reference site, with their own tariffs minutely detailed.

Cable and Wireless Communications - CWC's principal site.

Cable and Wireless Internet - CWC's own Internet Service Provider.

Cable and Wireless Homeworld - a taste of things to come?

Videotron - the domain name is still there, albeit by the back door ...

Text by Alastair Scott

Cable and Wireless Watch main page