Account Cancellation
If you feel particularly strongly about the issues here, consider sending one of the following to Accounts at CWC.

If you have a Direct Debit mandate
I am a former Videotron telephone customer.

If and when you remove my unmetered local calls to other Videotron customers I shall instruct my bank to stop Direct Debits to Cable and Wireless Communications; at that point I authorise you to terminate my account with Cable and Wireless Communications.

Please acknowledge this letter, stating that you understand its implications and shall act as requested if and when unmetered local calls are terminated.

If you don't have a Direct Debit mandate
I am a former Videotron telephone customer.

If and when you terminate my unmetered local calls to other Videotron customers please terminate my account with Cable and Wireless Communications and refrain from any further invoicing.

Please acknowledge this letter, stating that you understand its implications and shall act as requested if and when unmetered local calls are terminated.
Text by Nick Mailer

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