Friendly fire

The following quote is from the One2One Chief Executive. It was removed from the One2One site because of a new promotion starting in April 1998 - which still offers unmetered off-peak calls - but it's a cracker:

Our analysis shows that encouraging use of mobile phones through unlimited calling and call allowance tariffs promotes additional paid usage as well as generating inbound revenues. We expect both promotions to be revenue enhancing, as well as offering even greater choice for customers.

Never mind 'mobile' - he's right for fixed phones as well!

The latest figures from CWC (Evening Standard, 11 May 1998) suggest that the average monthly spend for CWC customers is about £35. The average monthly spend for pledge subscribers is £50.

And remember that Cable and Wireless part-own both One2One and CWC ...
Text by Alastair Scott

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