A question of timing
Read this Electronic Telegraph news item.

The most important part of it is the date - 23 October 1996.

I joined Videotron in November 1996 when their 'free local calls to ISPs' marketing was in full swing.

Videotron even extended the unmetered off-peak call period from 7pm-7am to 6pm-8am in March 1997, and Videotron subscriptions, with unmetered calls, were available until Videotron ceased to exist in name on 1 June. (In practice, they were available for a few weeks after that).

Theoretically, on 31 May someone would have signed up to Videotron and felt pleased with themselves and their unmetered local calls; on 1 June someone else would have signed up to CWC and felt pleased with themselves and their free minutes, little knowing that yesterday something far better was available if they were in a Videotron area!

It would seem that, for about eight months, Videotron were a CWC puppet - while the marketing played on ...
Text by Alastair Scott

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