Videotron exchange codes
Here's a list of exchange codes for ex-Videotron numbers. Calls between numbers with these codes are unmetered off-peak and at weekends. However, calls between London and Southampton numbers are charged as per calls to BT numbers; the BT network is between the two CWC networks, so CWC must pay BT access charges which are a great bone of contention at the moment.

If there are any corrections please contact me.

Inner London Outer London Southampton
0171 207
0171 450
0171 460
0171 461
0171 525
0171 564
0171 565
0171 598
0171 640
0171 642
0171 652
0171 657
0171 771
0171 787
0171 912
0171 967
0181 244
0181 248
0181 259
0181 265
0181 333
0181 355
0181 357
0181 383
0181 473
0181 480
0181 488
0181 516
0181 537
0181 621
0181 637
0181 708
0181 723
0181 921
0181 922
0181 930
0181 931
0181 932
0181 933
01703 315
01703 32
01703 34
01703 36
01703 39
01703 48
01703 49
01703 57
01703 90
01489 69 [Locks Heath]
01962 62 [Winchester]
Text by Alastair Scott; with thanks to Tom Grady and Andrew Hamilton

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