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Sudden, spectacular U-turn [31 July 1998]

There's been a completely unexpected development in the set-top box saga. I normally hear something, however garbled, but in this case I heard nothing before the announcement.

CWC have announced a deal with Pace to produce, in the first instance, 100,000 set-top boxes with the following 'interesting' feature (from a release):

As well as supporting Internet access through the television, the digital box will provide PC-users with high-speed access to the Internet via the cable modem and broadband network, rather than the traditional telephone network.

That could hardly be more explicit, it's Wow! news, and it's an obvious admission that the previous set-top box was not good enough. I use a Pace modem, which is exceptionally good, so they can certainly design hardware ...

I am currently trying to find out more about the 'DVi-4000 digital cable box' - there are no details on Pace's Web site - and am interested in the fate of the previous set-top box.

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Text by Alastair Scott

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