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The next Direct Debit problem - resolved [20 July 1998]

Following a number of contacts I've pieced together the 'next Direct Debit problem'. The sequence of events appears to have been:
  • CWC changed banks a month or so ago;
  • Some DDs were accidentally cancelled as a result;
  • The cancellation was noticed so late the accounts of those affected were recorded as being in debt;
  • As a result, these people were in danger of getting a black mark on their credit record.
In the end CWC accepted responsibility for the mistake, and Equifax (the credit reference agency used by them) were not actually sent any customer details.

I have been told that, in at least one case, Lewisham Trading Standards Officers were involved as it looked as though CWC were not going to accept responsibility, trying to shift blame onto the customer's bank. Fortunately for all concerned, they changed tack.

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Text by Alastair Scott

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