Mailing List FAQ

The [v]ideotron mailing list provides a discussion forum for all issues relating to CWC telephone and telephone customers.

Although the list is named [v(ideotron)] CWC customers who are not former Videotron subscribers - in fact, anyone who has something relevant to say - are encouraged to subscribe and post.


Binaries, other than PGP signatures, are not allowed.

URLs and links to ftp sites are encouraged.

Advertising is not allowed.

Posts using HTML are strongly discouraged unless there is a reason for HTML being used (for example, the content contains a table).

Please try to keep on-topic: remember that not all list members subscribe to The Direct Connection, so discussions of the service it provides should take place on tdc.general.

Please try not to post test messages to the list; if you follow the subscription procedure given below you will be subscribed to the list.

Metering issues which are not specifically CWC-related should be directed to the [c]ut mailing list.


The list runs on ezmlm, which behaves slightly differently from the more usual majordomo but is more powerful and more secure; I hope some of the vagaries of the previous list, such as missing posts, will no longer occur.

Subscribing and unsubscribing

To subscribe to the list send a blank email (without subject or body) to and follow the instructions on the confirmation email that you should get within a few minutes.

To unsubscribe from the list send a blank email (without subject or body) to and follow the instructions. You cannot be 'maliciously unsubscribed' by someone tricking the software into believing they are you.

Posting to the list

Send your messages to and the software will distribute them to the list.

Replying to the list

On replying to a message to the list the old [videotron] list put the list address in the To: field in your email package; [v] puts the message author's address in the To: field. This has proved controversial, but is actually safer as there is no danger of accidentally sending a private message to the list; in addition, the [videotron] behaviour is non-standard whereas the [v] behaviour is standard!

Other ezmlm commands

These are given in the message 'WELCOME to' which you are sent on subscribing.


Each message to the list has a footer added to it by the software. For example:

Videotron mailing list: See the FAQ at

* Last Subject: Latest scandal --*
* Last Date: Fri, 16 October 1998 22:44:17 --*
* 10:113-7 --*

The first two lines point to this FAQ; the next two lines give the subject and date of the last message to the list, so you can see immediately when one has not arrived in sequence.

The three numbers in the last line give the month in which the message was posted (10 or October), the total number of messages posted that month (113) and the number of messages so far today (7).

Last updated 14 August 1998
Text by Alastair Scott

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